Category Archives: John Wells

Burnt (2015)

burnt movie stillGood things happen to bad people. That was my impression of Adam, the lead character of John Wells’s (August: Osage CountyThe Company Men) imperfect but underappreciated Burnt. The Bradley Cooper (MaestroA Star Is Born) 2015 release came when its lead actor was on a cold streak with poorly received big-budget releases such as AlohaJoy, and Serena. This was abysmal timing as Cooper, who, the year before, had just become the 10th male actor ever to earn three consecutive acting Oscar nominations (Silver Linings PlaybookAmerican SniperAmerican Hustle).

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The Company Men (2010)

In August of 2010, I made a list of the movies I had to see before the end of the year after reading Entertainment Weekly’s Fall/Winter movie preview edition. I ranked 15 films in order. #1 was Ben Affleck’s The Town, which has turned out to be my favorite movie (as of 2011). #2 was Buried, which starred Ryan Reynolds. This movie, which I did not see in the theatre, was one of the biggest wastes of two hours of my life. And #3 was The Company Men, which starred 4 Academy Award winners. The release date of The Company Men kept getting pushed back further and further, and while its limited release date was in very late December, the vast majority didn’t have a chance to see it until 2011. By then, my list had changed based on the Oscar Buzz and the lukewarm reviews of The Company Men. I finally was able to check the movie out on Netflix. Based on the film I had seen since my initial list, The Company Men would have still made the top 15, but it would have been closer to the 12-15 range rather than the 1-3 range. To further digress into my poor list, Little Fockers was #4, Unstoppable #5, and The American #6. The movies I liked most were The Social Network (initially #7) and Blue Valentine (initially #8). The Fighter (initially #10), 127 Hours (initially #11), Love & Other Drugs (initially #13), as well as True GritRabbit HoleBlack Swanand The King’s Speech (both of which I did not even rank).

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