With his scraggly beard, yellow teeth, foreboding scowl, and deliberate limp, Matthew McConaughey’s (Amistad, A Time to Kill) portrayal of Newt Knight, a poor white farmer who led an extraordinary rebellion during the Civil War, is a far cry from the same man who was pigeonholing his career a decade earlier by playing the same character over and over in hit or miss romantic comedies like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Failure to Launch, The Wedding Planner, Fool’s Gold, and The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past to name a few. McConaughey reinvented himself three or four years ago and re-established himself as a dramatic leading man with the likes of The Lincoln Lawyer, Interstellar, HBO’s True Detective, Killer Joe, Mud, and Dallas Buyer’s Club, for which he won Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role at the 2014 Academy Awards ceremony. While he’s had his misses recently (has anyone even heard of 2016’s The Sea of Trees?), he has continued to have the ability to pick and choose his movies, and, unlike his string of romantic comedies, he continues to branch himself out further and further.
Category Archives: Jacob Lofland
Mud (2013)
Back in 1996, adaptations from John Grisham novels were the big thing. Tom Cruise starred in The Firm. Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts starred in The Pelican Brief. Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones starred in The Client. All were critically acclaimed and performed exceptionally well at the box office. A Time To Kill was Grisham’s first novel and the next the fourth to be adapted for film. Arguably, it is Grisham’s best novel, and the buzz surrounding the film was tremendous. A host of Hollywood A-listers wanted the lead role of Jack Brigance. The question was who would get the lead in the movie that also starred Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kevin Spacey. There was a lot of head-shaking when the lead part went to a little-known actor named Matthew McConaughey (Frailty, Amistad). McConaughey nailed the role, and the movie was critically acclaimed and earned over $100 million domestically. The film put McConaughey on the map, and many considered the part of Jack Brigance the role he was born to play.
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