Category Archives: Pedro Pascal

Gladiator II (2024)

gladiator ii movie posterSometimes, sequels aren’t needed. They are often used as quick and easy cash grabs, more than anything. I can’t fault those involved. I used to get frustrated about my favorite films getting unneeded sequels, though not nearly as upset with remakes of my favorite movies. I now accept that sequels, remakes, reboots, and prequels will continue to exist as long as the profits are large. But that doesn’t mean the producers, directors, cast, etc., only need to go through the motions, pick up their paycheck, and call it a day before moving on to their next project. Gladiator II is a movie that didn’t need to be made and didn’t have the most original story. However, despite its lack of need and poor script, it is a captivating film, rich in action sequences, visuals, and sound. It’s not a film to seek out, though if you watch it, experiencing it on as large a screen as possible with surround sound is the best way to go.

Continue reading Gladiator II (2024)

Triple Frontier (2019)

One of the early tragedies of the Netflix distribution line must be the J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent YearAll Is LostTriple Frontier, a movie you can decide after watching or reading this review whether you like it or not. This is not a review that will talk about the merits and faults of Netflix (by one sentence, the 2019 stand is that Netflix is unique with its shows, but I wish it would stay away from movies). Still, Triple Frontier deserved its viewing on a big screen theater, where it could have flourished. I’ve seen over 1500 movies in a movie theatre at the time of this post. I’ve seen 1500 other movies for the first time on my television screen as well. For each movie I’ve seen and loved on my television, I can’t help but wonder what the movie must have been like in the atmosphere in which it was designed to be viewed. I can’t make the same claim the other way around. Sure, I’ve said, “Man, I wish I would have saved my cash and watched this at home…or not watched this at all” when I see a terrible movie in the theatre, but that is a different conversation and, hopefully, one I don’t have to have on a different day.

Continue reading Triple Frontier (2019)