Category Archives: S. Craig Zahler

Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017)

I absolutely LOVE a good prison movie. Just like I enjoy films set on trains, edgier (i.e., PG13 or greater) sports movies, alien movies, shipwreck movies, or survival movies set in the jungle, there is something about a good prison movie that perks my intrigue, keeps me interested, and has me thinking about it long after it’s over. The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Hurricane, Rescue Dawn, Escape from Alcatraz, Lock Up, Murder in the First, Midnight Express, Brokedown Palace, Dead Man Walking, The Longest Yard, Felon, Law Abiding Citizen, Death Race…the list goes on and on. So what could a prison movie offer that we haven’t seen before on the silver screen or television dramas like Prison Break or Oz or television documentary shows like Lockup or Locked Up Abroad? There is no shortage of options when it comes to getting your prison fix. But there is definitely something you haven’t seen before in S. Craig Zahler’s (Bone TomahawkBrawl in Cell Block 99. Could it be that it’s the most brutal prison movie ever made? You could argue that it is. It certainly could be the goriest. If you haven’t seen the horror-western Bone Tomahawk yet, prepare yourself. I had heard about it but still wasn’t ready for what I saw. I was not too fond of it. But I am going to go back and watch it again. And the reason for that is because of how much I really, really enjoyed Brawl in Cell Block 99.

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