Category Archives: Aja Naomi King

The Birth of a Nation (2016)

Nate Parker (Beyond the Lights, Non-Stop) made his big-screen debut back in 2006, but a decade later, many moviegoers might not be able to pick him out of a lineup. However, that’s all about to change. The incredible The Birth of a Nation is about to launch Parker into the next tier of not just actors but also directors and screenwriters. I’ll be the first to say that I didn’t know who Parker was, but it might be time for me to go back and watch some of the movies on his filmography. Not only did Parker give an Oscar-worthy leading actor performance, but he also directed and wrote this film that, somehow, is flying under the radar. Parker knocked this movie out of the park. The 79% rating it is currently receiving on Rotten Tomatoes is quite respectable (especially for a movie based on a true event, but one that even Parker described as reality-based fiction), but I have seen almost no promotional materials for this movie. It opened the same weekend as Girl on the Train, which may have received as much publicity as any other movie released in 2016 so far.
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