Category Archives: Virginia Gardner

Fall (2022)

fall movie posterI have a weak spot for an “actually could happen” horror film that plays on social phobias that many of us experience. When one of these movies is based on actual events, my interest piques even more. The best example I can give is the 2003 film Open Water, which, despite its poor Rotten Tomatoes audience score (33%), struck a chord with critics (71%). I loved Open Water, but one of the two friends that I went with hated it, saying how frustrated he felt by it. Though “inspired by true events” of a married couple that, through an inaccurate head count by the dive boat crew, were inadvertently left behind in the middle of the ocean during a scuba diving excursion, what we witnessed for the next 80+ minutes was a fictional tale of what may or may not have happened. What we experience with our two leads is the despair of being stranded in shark-infested water until (spoiler…they don’t make it) they are either eaten alive, die of thirst, etc.; what could have happened was they hit collided heads when they each leaped off the dive boat and died instantly. I understand that. It didn’t stop me from being fully engrossed in the film or its first of two sequels.

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