Category Archives: Adriana Barraza

Cake (2014)

If you are looking to see the second-best performance (nobody is going to be able to touch Julianne Moore in Still Alice) by an actress in 2014, check out Daniel Barnz’s (Won’t Back Down, Phoebe In Wonderland). While the movie might not wow you, the performance of Jennifer Aniston (The Good Girl, Rock Star) absolutely will. Nearly unrecognizable, the one-time Friend is a physical and emotional wreck throughout the movie. Playing Claire, a mother who lost her young son in an automobile accident while accruing numerous injuries to her legs, arm, back, and face that have forced her to become addicted to pain killers, Aniston performs her career. I have yet to see two of the five nominees for Best Actress (Moore and Marion Cottilard – Two Days, One Night). But I will say that Aniston’s performance does rival Reese Witherspoon (Wild), Rosemund Pike (Gone Girl), and Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything). I’ll give Cottilard the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe there were six great performances for five spots. However, if I were voting, Aniston would have got my vote over Jones (even though I thought Jones was great). I will explain why in the paragraphs below.

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