Category Archives: Jonathan Pryce

The Wife (2018)

Interested in seeing Björn Runge’s (Happy End, Daybreak) much anticipated The Wife? Do yourself a solid. Skip and see the remarkably well-made Big Eyes instead. It’s essentially the same movie, except it’s actually entertaining. The Wife makes its point in a nuanced fashion. It’s slow and not in a good way. Its two main characters same so different from one another, you wonder why they are still together. And then when you do learn the big, dark secret, the only question you have is why they didn’t divorce years ago. Nevertheless, it’s a movie that is gaining recognition for the performance of its lead (Glenn Close – Fatal Attraction, Dangerous Liaisons) as Joan (aka The Wife). Could it lead to her seventh Academy Award nomination? Yes. Should it? It’s still early in the season, but probably not.
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