Category Archives: Josh O’Connor

Challengers (2024)

challengers movie posterI have a spot in my heart for intense sports movies. I also enjoy films that effectively incorporate flashbacks to flesh out the story and its characters. Luca Guadagnino’s (Bones and AllCall Me by Your NameChallengers incorporated both themes into his sexual, taught, tension-filled drama, using professional tennis as its backdrop.

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Hope Gap (2019)

Hope Gap is another self-reminder not to watch movie trailers anymore. Had I not seen the trailer when deciding whether to see this movie, I would not have known what was to come. Of course, without the trailer, I wouldn’t have known if it would have interested me. It’s a double-edged sword, for sure. My new way of watching a non-theater trailer is watching just enough to determine an interest level. If, after 15 seconds, it looks like something I want to watch, I’ll cut off the trailer. If it takes 45 seconds, so be it. If I’m still watching by the end of the trailer, there’s a better chance than not that I won’t end up watching the movie.

Continue reading Hope Gap (2019)