Category Archives: Richie Merritt

White Boy Rick (2018)

White Boy Rick, the most hyped movie of September 2018, Yann Demange (’71), is one of the most disappointing movies of the year. The narrative is poor. The character development is non-existent. Matthew McConaughey (MudFree State of Jones) seemed as interested in trying to earn a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award nomination as he was trying to advance the story (I don’t blame him…I plan the script and the director). Newcomer Richie Merritt who stars as the story’s lead does his job, but the story is so askew that it leaves the audience not caring about what happens to him. The movie tries to make you feel sympathetic for its lead, but it just doesn’t work. It’s not Merritt’s fault. It wouldn’t have worked with anybody with Demange as the director. Not even the super talented McConaughey could rescue this movie from mediocrity.
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