Category Archives: Terence Stamp

Young Guns (1988)

What is there to say about a perfect movie?

Young Guns was easily my favorite movie for about five years. Seeing it again in 2011, after not having watched it in probably a decade, caused me to ask myself a few questions. The first was, “How is it that I know every line in this movie word for word, but I can’t name half of the presidents of the United States or half of the US state capitals?” The second was, “How was this movie my favorite movie when it came out in 1988 if I wasn’t allowed to see rated R movies until I was sixteen?” I was more perplexed in figuring out the answer to the second question than I was in the first. The answer to the first one was easy. I knew every line of the movie word for word because I’ve watched it over 100 times. Looking at my current list of movies (yes, I have a directory ranking every movie I’ve ever seen), I see that Young Guns is still in the Top 25 and thus receives a rating of A+. The next time I update this list, I will move Young Guns closer to the Top 10. It’s a fantastic movie. If I saw it today for the first time, I doubt I would evaluate it as relatively high, but I can’t push away all of the memories this most recent viewing evoked.

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