Category Archives: William Jackson Harper

Paterson (2016)

Adam Driver (Silence, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens) hasn’t been the most endearing character early in his career. It’s not entirely his fault, though, and Jim Jarmusch’s (Broken Flowers, Coffee and Cigarettes) has given me a new appreciation for him. The first movies I saw starring Driver were movies I absolutely abhorred (This Is Where I Leave You, While We’re Young), and my reason for disliking these so much wasn’t because of him, but because of the characters, he portrayed. Even in movies like Silence and Star Wars Episode VII: The Force AwakensI was not overly invested in his characters. He annoyed me in Star Wars more than anything else. He clearly played second fiddle to Andrew Garfield in Silence, a movie in which his more talented counterpart completely overshadowed Driver. Paterson has opened my eyes to his depth as an actor and, really in just the fifth movie that I’ve seen him in (I do not recall his performance at all in Inside Llewyn Davis, Lincoln, or Midnight Special), he proves to be relatable to and not someone who I find to be annoying.

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