Category Archives: John Gallagher Jr.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)

A much anticipated same-sex attraction/sexual attraction conversion therapy movie had been initially projected to earn multiple Oscar nominations. Unfortunately, the Lucas Hedges/Nicole Kidman/Joel Edgerton/Russell Crowe Boy Erased failed to live up to the hype. I had read the book earlier and hoped that the movie could capture the aspects of the novel I liked and take it to the next level. And despite decent Rotten Tomatoes critics and audience scores (81% and 72%), that didn’t happen for me.

But here we have this much less marketed movie in The Miseducation of Cameron Post with a much less recognized cast and a first-time director in Desiree Akhavan (Boy Erased was directed by Joel Edgerton, a pretty darn good actor turned director). Many didn’t see This lesser-known movie, earning less than $1 million domestically (compared to $7 million for Boy Erased, which could have been more successful). Still, it succeeded because of both its softness and its quietness. The movies were similar, and I’d like to know what Edgerton knew about Akhavan’s movie and vice versa. While Boy Erased underwhelmed (primarily due to my lofty expectations of it going in), something about it still made the movie more memorable than The Miseducation of Cameron Post. So, with that said, Boy Erased was better. Still, The Miseducation of Cameron Post was a more enjoyable movie that leaves you feeling more hopeful for those struggling with (and those not struggling with) same-sex attraction.

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10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Perhaps one of the most unconventional sequels of all time, 10 Cloverfield Lane assembles almost no resemblance to 2008’s cult classic Cloverfield other than maybe its name. The movie takes place in rural Louisiana, while Cloverfield takes place in New York City. We never truly know how much 10 Cloverfield Lane will be in the future, but we can assume it’s as soon as a couple of days and as long as a couple of weeks. Cloverfield was a shaky camera-found footage film about aliens invading the city. 10 Cloverfield Lane is not that. It’s more like a spin-off than it is a sequel. An alien invasion is a possibility for how these characters find themselves. Still, it is just one of the possibilities described by Howard (John Goodman – Flight, Barton Fink), the film’s antagonist. Goodman might be better than he ever has been before. It certainly is his darker role and the first movie in many years (King Ralph, anyone) in which he has played a starring role.

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