Category Archives: Dominic Cooper

An Education (2009)

Set in 1961 England, Carey Mulligan’s (ShameDrive) breakout performance in Lone Scherfig (One Day, Their Finest) is a movie that resonates in a way that is completely independent of its time frame as well as location. Does this mean it’s a timeless classic? Well, when I think of timeless classics, I think of very different films than An Education. This beautiful film was on pace to be a timeless classic, one where everything is fine and dandy and one that I probably would not have enjoyed as much if not for a late twist. The setting of 1960s Europe doesn’t exactly perk my interest. If, as I write this in 2018, in my early 40’s when I am much more into the independents than I am the big blockbusters, the synopsis for this film doesn’t attract, I can only imagine what I thought going into it back in 2009. I honestly have no idea what piqued my interest in this movie or what even got me past the first 15 minutes. Sure, a 95% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes will have some positive effect, but even that can only carry me so far. Whatever it was that encouraged me to continue with this movie even, when I suspect that I thought I was getting into some variation of Pride and Prejudice, Atonement, or one of the many other Keira Knightley movies, I am grateful. I want to say that this movie had a lasting impact on me because it did. However, upon watching it for a second time, with an eight-year gap between viewings, I can unequivocally say that how I thought I remembered this movie was considerably different than what actually happened. I think I like it the same, though I feel differently about it, especially how I view the final act.
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Miss You Already (2015)

Beaches 2 or something more? Maybe somewhere in between.  Miss You Already tells the story of two lifelong best friends who have been there for each other at every instance of their lives. Jess (Drew Barrymore – Charlie’s Angels, The Wedding Singer) and Milly (Toni Collette – The Sixth Sense, Little Miss Sunshine) have been nearly inseparable since Jess transferred into Milly’s first-grade class in London after moving from the United States. Now, as the pair each approaches her 40th birthday, they are infused with a situation that no one can ever prepare for. Yes, this is both a friendship movie and a cancer movie. Yes, it will do its best to try to guilt you into tears. But, while the acting is not great and the story predictable, something about the movie keeps you interested when a lesser movie would have lost you completely 45 minutes in.
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