Category Archives: Luke Pegler

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Hacksaw Ridge > Saving Private Ryan.
After my theater viewing of Mel Gibson’s (Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ) newest film, that was my claim. I’ve since slept on this, but I really should have watched it again. Nonetheless, it doesn’t take away from Gibson’s film. Hacksaw Ridge was based on a true story, whereas Saving Private Ryan was not. For me, when all else is equal, it nods to the more factual-based one. Saving Private Ryan was an amazing movie. The Invasion of Normandy Omaha Beach to open the movie was one of the most captivating and memorable action sequences in film history. When I claimed that Hacksaw Ridge was a better movie, I almost inserted the caveat that “outside of the opening 30 minutes of Saving Private RyanHacksaw Ridge is a better movie.” But that seemed like a copout. I couldn’t spoil it with some condition that limited my case. Continue reading Hacksaw Ridge (2016)