Category Archives: The Favourite

The Favourite (2018)

Yorgos Lanthimos (The Lobster, The Killing of the Sacred Deer) is not my favorite director. His latest film, the Olivia Colman (Murder On The Orient Express, Locke) led The Favourite is not my favorite film. His style doesn’t work for me. I like creative movies. I like unique movies. I sometimes like eccentric movies. But weird movies are hit or miss as a whole, and they are a miss for sure. Ironically, The Favourite is probably his most “normal” to date. But I found myself disinterested in it from the start. Just as ironically, the much lesser recognized Mary Queen of Scots, which was released within a week or two of this movie (and a film that I enjoyed), was widely disregarded by critics and audiences alike (63%, 44% on Rotten Tomatoes compared to 94%, 61% for The Favourite). Honestly, the only reason I’m reviewing this movie is that it is likely to get nominated for many Academy Awards, and, sadly, Best Picture will be one of those.
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