Category Archives: Wrecked

Wrecked (2011)

According to the International Movie Database, Michael Greenspan’s debut movie, Wrecked grossed under $5,000 at the box office. For its lead star, Adrien Brody (Best Actor Academy Award for 2002’s The Pianist), this is a far cry from the early part of the decade when his movies like The Village (2004) and King Kong (2005) were each earning over $110,000,000 at the box office. Brody has made some terrible movies since 2005. These have included The Darjeeling Limited, The Brothers Bloom, and The Experiment. The trailer for Wrecked looked intriguing enough. I also wanted to know if Brody had the ability to do what Tom Hanks (Cast Away) and Will Smith (I Am Legend) were able to do successfully…star in a movie in which he is (for a majority of the film) the only actor. After watching the film, there is a reason why Cast Away and I Am Legend each earned $233,000,000 and $256,000,000 at the box office, respectively, while Wrecked brought in less than $5,000.

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