Category Archives: Alison Eastwood

The Mule (2018)

Every trailer for a Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby) directed movie over the last decade-plus has made the film look like it’s a guaranteed Best Picture nominee.  Whether that proves to be fruition (American Sniper, Flags of Our Father) or not even close (The 15:17 to Paris, Hereafter) doesn’t affect how great the trailers are. Over the last 15 years, Eastwood-directed movies have earned hundreds of millions more combined than they would have otherwise received had they not had terrific trailers. And this is true with 2018’s The Mule. After seeing the trailer for The Mule for the first time back in early October of 2018, the film instantly vaulted to my most anticipated movie of the year. When it wasn’t screened very much before its opening, I got a little worried. Then I saw the mixed reviews start to come in. At the time of this writing, The Mule has a 62% critics square and a 74% audience score, numbers that were a little lower than I anticipated based on the trailer, but right around what I expected them to be after seeing the film.
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