Category Archives: Patton Oswalt

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)

If one trailer in 2013 left you thinking, “That movie could either be good or terrible,” it was the trailer of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This movie stars Ben Stiller, more or less, outside of his usual comedy genre. This movie is certainly not There’s Something About Mary or Meet the Parents. This isn’t the equivalent of Ed Helms in Jeff Who Lives at Home, Jim Carey in The Truman Show, or Will Ferrell in Everything Must Go. Those movies, each starring a comedic actor outside of their comfort zone, were more dramas, whereas this movie is both a drama and an adventure. In many regards, I appreciate the effort of Stiller venturing into something new. I think there is a place for a character of his ability in similar films. Unfortunately, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is not this movie. The movie is rated PG, and I’m not entirely sure why. This isn’t Night at the Museum. I don’t feel like the younger audiences had/would have much interest in this movie. And even if it did appeal to this group, I’m not sure Stiller is the star to lead it. Maybe, but I’m not convinced. With that said, I appreciate a movie that aims for the PG rating when it seems it could easily drift towards the PG-13 rating
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Young Adult (2011)

young adultYoung Adult is one of those movies that some people will love and some will hate, while others will only be able to decide if they love it or hate it once it concludes. It is more of a polarizing movie than most. People will remember this movie more than they would an average $10 million budget dramedy. This is particularly true for many Generation Xers who can identify with its lead character Mavis (Charlize Theron – Monster, North Country), a woman approaching 40 who is going through a major midlife identity crisis.
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