Category Archives: Everest

Everest (2015)

I know I am in a significant minority when I review this movie, and I know many will wonder what I’m talking about. Everest just wasn’t a very good movie. I realize that many have never seen a mountain climbing movie or, worse, have only the likes of Vertical Limit to compare it to. But before I get too far into my review of Everest, let me mention a few mountain climbing movies that I would watch a dozen times again before forcing myself to watch Everest. The most notable one to me is a recent one that most people have never heard of. Depending on who you ask, it’s 2008 (or 2010) German released North Face (Nordwand). It takes a few minutes to get past the subtitles, but it’s worth it. This movie is horrifying in its detail of its climbers experiencing some of nature’s most brutal physical elements. There is also Touching the Void. There is also K2. Heck, I think I’d even put Cliffhanger up there as a more entertaining movie. And while it’s not about reaching any sort of summit, the absolute best climbing-based film is the fantastic 127 Hours, one of the best two hours you can experience with a film (side note…watch the director’s cut). But as far as Everest goes, I had extraordinarily high hopes for this film. And it disappointed on just about every level.
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